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Κυριακή, 28 Οκτώβριος 2012 13:31




                                Rene Magritte, La Force de l'habitude, 1960, Private Collection




I’m just walking with a ghost

And it’s walking by my side

My soul is dancing on my cheek

I don’t know where the exit is


Every day is still the same

And I don’t know what to do; I’m carrying

My tears in a plastic bag

And it’s the only thing I got from you


I have short hair

And I’m faced with a few complications so,

So if you care

Try to analyze the situation

You know, man

As the leaves fall on the ground my soul is goin’

Round and round and round, so please


Do it well

Just break the spell

Why don’t you do it right

I don’t want another fight 

I’m not creatin’

My flow with my ego

I’m taking off my hood

And I’m venturing deeply in the wood

You know, man 


But are my only food and it puts me in a strange mood

I ain’t giving you my heart on a silver plate

Why couldn’t we be just mates

Oh no, never come back to me

Oh no, never come back to me


I wish, our company is shy, probably

Another dance, another chance, another romance

It can be till the end


I wish, our company is shy, probably

Another dance, another chance, another romance

It can be till the end


The National Fanfare of Kadebostany

Walking with a Ghost 





Μανόλης Αναγνωστάκης




Κι ὄχι αὐταπάτες προπαντός.

Τὸ πολὺ πολὺ νὰ τοὺς ἐκλάβεις σὰ δυὸ θαμποὺς

προβολεῖς μὲς στὴν ὁμίχλη

Σὰν ἕνα δελτάριο σὲ φίλους ποὺ λείπουν

μὲ τὴ μοναδικὴ λέξη: ζῶ.


«Γιατὶ» ὅπως πολὺ σωστὰ εἶπε κάποτε κι ὁ φίλος μου ὁ Τίτος,

«κανένας στίχος σήμερα δὲν κινητοποιεῖ τὶς μᾶζες

κανένας στίχος σήμερα δὲν ἀνατρέπει καθεστῶτα.»



Ἀνάπηρος, δεῖξε τὰ χέρια σου. Κρῖνε γιὰ νὰ κριθεῖς.








        Victorian pier at Clevedon, Somerset, photo by Tim Ireland/PA










Τελευταία Ενημέρωση: Κυριακή, 28 Οκτώβριος 2012